Vincent Fowler

Master of the Vortex | The Azure Dragoon

Stubborn and loyal to a fault, Vincent is a steadfast ally and friend to those who know him well. To others, though, he may come off as intimidating and cold. Never take it personally; there's only so much betrayal one man can take before he has to put up a wall or two.

This Carrd may contain spoilers for FFXIV through Shadowbringers! Read at your own risk!

"i'm not some hero. i'm just a lonely kid who got lucky."stats

NAME: Vincent Fowler
TITLE: The Azure Dragoon
AGE: 26 (ARR), 30 (ENW)
PRONOUNS: he/they
RACE: keeper of the moon miqo'te
GENDER: nonbinary
SEXUALITY: bisexual
GUARDIAN: oschon
NAMEDAY: 20th sun of the 6th umbral moon (12/20)
HEIGHT: 5'8"
STATUS: taken
BIRTHPLACE: old sharlayan

"i'm sorry... were you talking to me?"sharlayan past

Vincent was born as Vincen'to Fawhra, the second son to two members of the Sharlayan Forum. His parents had little time to spare for their children, and expected only the best from them. He was skilled in the arcane arts from a young age, though he lived in the shadow of his older brother from the very beginning.He was sent to New Sharlayan for further study (or, more likely, to get him out from beneath his parents' shoes), though he was ostracized for his intense interest in primals. He kept largely to himself, his nose shoved in any dark tome he could get his hands on. Soon, though, he was approached and befriended by a young G'raha Tia, who dragged him into a small friend group of misfit students: G'raha, Y'shtola Rhul, and Y'zii Bhell. He had a particular fondness toward G'raha, who constantly pestered him about his research and insisted on keeping him company on his late-night binge-reads, despite the fact that G'raha would always fall asleep.The exodus from the Sharlayan colony proved to be a difficult and unexpected setback. He was certain that he was nearing a conclusion in his research. If he had just a bit more time, he believed he could find a way to summon more powerful beings than simple carbuncles, and he refused to give up when he was so close to his research's conclusion. So, as the other residents of the Sharlayan colony abandoned their home, Vincent stole as many tomes from the Great Gubal Library as he could carry, and disappeared into the night.Though they sent a search party, he was long gone, a twelve year old lost in Dravania, presumably never to be seen again.

"you understand what you have to do, don't you? fit in, or you'll be another nameless corpse in the brume."ishgardian past

A few weeks later, a squadron of Ishgardian dragoons came across a young boy, freezing half to death and starving, on one of their nightly patrols. On this squadron was the newly-christened Azure Dragoon, Estinien. In this boy, Estinien saw his younger self, lost and alone, and took it upon himself to see him to Ishgard.Estinien pulled him aside to question him after he'd been properly warmed and fed, and, upon discovering Vincent's origins and his purpose, decided to take him under his wing. Estinien told Vincent to find a new name, to hide all his books as best he could, and to become a dragoon. Only then would he find a home there in Ishgard.Little did they know that, in five years' time, the Eye would choose Vincent Fowler as a second Azure Dragoon.Vincent fought at Estinien's side as the Azure Dragoon throughout the rest of the Dragonsong War. Although he found himself in a position of power amongst his fellow dragoons, he never escaped his childhood penchant for loneliness. The pure-blooded Ishgardians did not take kindly to an outsider holding such a prestigious position, and jealousy toward the young dragoon turned to outright hatred. Vincent kept to himself, squirreling his books away and sneaking off at midnight to study.

"to fight beside gods is to know true fear. yet, i would rather die than be anywhere else."ishgardian past to present

Many years passed, and no matter how much he practiced and studied, Vincent still could not complete his research. All attempts at a summoning came to nothing, and he grew frustrated, wondering if there was something he was missing. In the meantime, the Ixal of Coerthas had summoned their goddess, Garuda, and Vincent had been ordered to vanquish her. Though Vincent was certain that this was another attempt to get him killed and out of the Temple Knights' hair, he had no choice but to face her, and to slay her.Much to the chagrin of his peers, Vincent came back with Garuda's shimmering wing in hand, and her golden blood on his lance. This was it; this was proof of his worth. He was more than just the Azure Dragoon. He had killed a god.It was that night, poring over his books once more, that Vincent finally managed a summoning. Garuda's wing shimmered and disappeared, and in its place formed a green, bird-like creature. The very thing that Vincent's tomes had described all these years: Garuda-Egi.After that, summoning came easily to him. He was never able to summon any of the other Egis, but he found that Garuda proved to be more than enough.As the Dragonsong War came to a close, Vincent left Ishgard for the first time in sixteen years, at Estinien's side, as always. The pair of them traveled together for two years, until they both joined up with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. It was there that Vincent reunited with his childhood friends, and in doing so, found a better, more comfortable place in the world.

To be continued!

"you're in love with me? sorry for your loss."important relationships

g'raha tia

G'raha is Vincent's boyfriend and childhood friend. After being separated for most of their lives, you might assume that their feelings about each other would have changed. However, as fate would have it, they met again in the Rising Stones after Vincent's admission to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and G'raha, after all that time, had never really let go of his little childhood crush. Vincent having filled out nicely only sealed the deal.

y'shtola rhul

Y'shtola is one of Vincent's childhood friends. The pair of them bicker and tease each other relentlessly, but it's their way of showing that they love each other. Y'shtola is always the one who sees right through him, and will call him out on any secrets he's trying to keep. He learned a lot from her when they were young, and she helped him steal almost all of his summoning tomes.

estinien wyrmblood

Estinien is Vincent's older brother figure and mentor. They were a pair of Azure Dragoons during the Dragonsong War, and Vincent followed Estinien out of Ishgard when he left after laying the title to rest. Estinien refused to join the Scions without Vincent at his side, claiming that he was necessary for Estinien to do his work, but the real reason was that, all along, Estinien wanted nothing more than to have someone at his side.

y'zii bhell

Y'zii is one of Vincent's childhood friends. From an outsider's perspective, they never seemed very close when they were young, but in actuality, they simply preferred sitting together, silently reading. They would pass notes in their classes, and smuggle snacks into the libraries to share. Although they both seemed like they were never paying attention, they were always competing for top marks.

"if you use cure I, i'll tear your hair out."

grimsley | they/he | 22

hi! i'm grimsley! i'm a writer and an avid jrpg player who (almost exclusively) just mashes buttons. i'm a healer main to the death and i get high off of tanks who pull everything.i'm only a roleplayer in the sense that i write my characters on the side in my own funny little documents. i might be willing to rp in-game sometime but we'd have to be friends first because i'm shy lol! sorry!feel free to message me in-game if you see this carrd and wanna talk about anything! my main is y'vett bhell on malboro!